African Swine Fever

The African swine fever is a disease caused by a highly contagious virus, that affects domesticated and wild pigs, causing their deaths. There is no vaccine against this disease.
Even though it poses no risk for human health, it can cause severe economic losses in swine production.
The virus responsible for the disease is highly resistant to the environment, it can travel from one country or region to another through people that transport infected pigs, their products or by products or on their infected clothing, disseminating the African swine fever.
  • Do not transport pig products or by products. If you do, please declare them to the competent authority.
  • Do not visit any swine establishment, unless it is necessary. 
  • Do not hunt wild pigs if you have contact with domestic pigs. If you do, disinfect your equipment’s before leaving the hunting ground.
If you are a Producer:   
  • Do not feed your pigs with untreated food waste that contains meat, pig products or by products.
  • Avoid direct or indirect contact with wild boars. Implement quarantine measures for new pigs on the establishment. 
  • Clean and disinfect any material that was shared with other establishment and with hunters of wild pigs. 
  • Reinforce the biosecurity measures in your pig establishment.