2018-2019 Fruit Fly Control Cooperative Agreement 



October 18, 2018



On October 10, 2018 Belize participated in the 5th MEETING OF THE MULTILATERAL FRUIT FLY COMMISSION held in Mexico City. Attending the meeting was Mr. Jose Alpuche CEO in the Ministry of Agriculture, Emir Cruz Managing Director of BAHA and Hernan Zetina Medfly Coordinator. During this meeting, the Fruit Fly Control Cooperative Agreement between the United States Department of Agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Belize Agricultural Health Authority was signed. Signing on Behalf of the USDA was Dr. Mike Watson, Administrative Assistant of APHIS, and for Belize, the Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Jose Alpuche.

The Cooperative Agreement is negotiated and signed annually to protect Agriculture in Belize and the United States. This joint effort includes the control and eradication of the medfly and the management of an exotic fruit fly surveillance program. The USDA has committed US $115,000 for fiscal year 2018-19 while the Government of Belize has committed US$282,614 in counterpart funding. The USDA contribution is used specifically for medfly eradication activities and for the procurement of equipment, materials and supplies while the GOB contribution is for salaries and operational expenses for the medfly programme.

BAHA takes this opportunity to thank both the United States Government and the Government of Belize for their continued support to the medfly programme and for helping to keep Belize medfly free.