__________The News__________
Vacancy for the Post of Plant Health Officer
The Belize Agricultural Health Authority invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following position: Plant Health Officers Minimum qualification: Associate Degree in Agricultural Science or Biology Competencies:1. Superior...
BAHA partnering with OIRSA, Taiwan ICDF, BGA, and the Ministry of Agriculture for one day workshop at Hope Creek, Stann Creek on Fusarium Tropical Race 4
Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District, Belize, February 24, 2023.- Twenty small banana/plantain farmers and PMS (Project Management Service) staff members participated in this training. They learned about Foc TR4 symptoms, other pests and diseases, and ways to...
Poultry Regulations come into effect
Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise signed the Belize Poultry Health Regulations Statutory Instrument No. 121 of 2022....
Cooperation between the Belize Agricultural Health Authority, Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Enterprise, and Taiwan ICDF for the prevention of Fusarium oxysporum fs cubense Tropical Race 4 (TR4) in Belize
Six professionals from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, and the Belize Agricultural Health Authority participated in a TR4 training From December 05 to 09, 2022, at the Manuel Mejia Foundation in Pereira, Colombia. The training was sponsored...
Publication of Terms of Reference and Request for Expression of Interest – ICT Specialist
Attached are the Terms of Reference for the upcoming Consultancy with BAHA and a Request for Expression of Interest. Closing date for receiving bids has been set for August 5, 2022....
Application Forms and Procedures
Procedure for the Acquisition of Import Permits
Animal and Animal Products Import application
Plant and Plant Products import application
Food Safety Import application
Note: You must ensure that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Open the downloaded PDF with Adobe Reader.I need to Install Adobe Acrobat Reader
Industrial HEMP Application Forms and Procedures
Industrial HEMP Application Forms
Industrial HEMP Movement Application
Industrial HEMP Application Procedures
Note: You must ensure that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Open the downloaded PDF with Adobe Reader.
Entry Requirements for Dogs and Cats
Pet Import Application form
BAHA Pet Import Permit Application Procedure
Conditions of importation for dogs and cats
Note: You must ensure that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Open the downloaded PDF with Adobe Reader.I need to Install Adobe Acrobat Reader